Overall, the story is serviceable, but not wonderful.

Throughout the adventure, Shay runs into tons of historical figures and some returning characters from AC 3 (Connor’s story) and AC 4. Shay Cormac starts as an Assassin and, through a series of unfortunate events, finds himself on the business-end of his friends’ wrist blades. The big “hook” of Rogue is that for the first time in the series, you play as a Templar agent. My takeaway? I sincerely hope the next AC leans more towards Rogue than Unity. But once I figured out what Rogue was after just a few minutes, I decided to run an experiment: just how bad is Assassin’s Creed Unity compared to Rogue, seeing as how they were both made concurrently. I know this is supposed to be a review of Assassin’s Creed: Rogue.